Here's a look at what the first concept image could look like, clearly it isn't finished yet but it's comfating to know that I have a basis waiting to be worked on. I've kept in mind the huge factor of colour, deriving from african art. When woking with the clay brush in photoshop, i managed to create this blurry look to the piece, which I become to really like because it adds emphasis of heat to the image. Heat and colour is the two key properties in the african landscape, so I made it a priority in my piece.
The improvements I would like to make is to create a bigger cut of point from land and sky, they blend together to much. The mountains could be brought down slightly and possibly shrink them to enforce foreshortening.
You can certainly feel the warmth of those african influences in that sky burning the landscape! Try adding a few small details like trees or some form of shrubbery?