Saturday 28 January 2012

Transcription Post One - Ideas Part One

This project is one that I have been waiting for for ages and it is finally here!! The waiting has given me a chance to think of a lot of ideas, most ideas were thought of before I saw the brief and would need changing if chosen.

Anyways here are my ideas

Idea One: Whilst watching the BBC's "Frozen planet" it got me once again fascinated in animals and the documentaries, and thought it would be cool to create a spoof version of the documentaries. This would involve realistic environments, multiple animal modelling and rigging and extensive animation. It would be interesting to do, but too much work to get through in a ten week block.

Idea Two: This idea involves making a transcription of one of The Brothers Grimm's fairy tales. I wanted to choose a story that is not known very well but has a vast contexts that can blossom into a beautiful piece. The tales that grabbed my attention were "The Golden Goose","The Golden Key" or "The Devil and his Grandmother". With this idea I could add any style I want or genre I want, for example, the tale could be told in a sci-fi setting. This idea will allow me to improve on storyboarding, scripting, style, character designs and animation.

Idea Three: This idea was to make a CG version of Lee Evan's One man band which he performed at his gig in Scotland.

I'm excited about his idea because it allows me to only focus on animation with a couple of weeks of character modelling and rigging. However I have had a talk with Alan about this and he has advised me that I should come up with a different setting and possible style that creates a new story but allows me to suck the energy from Lee Evans and place it into someone or something else. We came up with an idea to possible to use an alley jazz cat and have him with the same movements. The idea will also grow from this.

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